We are a couple of months into potty training. So far, so good. Of course we did not start until the boys were 3 +, I think that made a difference.
We have been quite surprised by how well it has gone. As expected, Baby A was late to the game, but we knew when he was ready he would be fully on board. He was dry his first weekend and pretty much ever since. If you ask him to try and go potty he will happily. In fact he wants to do it by himself now.
Baby B has been interested for many months and has been going on the potty off and on for awhile. We did not really start encouraging him until Baby A was ready. We were not surprised that B would have a few accidents because he never wanted to try just in case. He would always say he did not need to pee, keep playing and have an accident 10 minutes later. This is such their personalities.
One weekend not long ago we had a great morning at the park, saw boats racing in a lake and played on another jungle gym before leaving. This jungle gym was very tall (about 15 feet) with multiple levels and the boys enjoyed climbing up there. At some point I heard husband start yelling and saw Baby A way at the top of the jungle with pee just pouring out of him down the entire length of the jungle gym creating a big puddle at the bottom. Of course we both went into "what the heck do we do now" mode and started yelling at Baby A first to stop peeing and then to climb down. He was not ready to come down and started yelling no to us. I am looking around the park trying to see who has seen him do this and surprisingly of the 3 families there no one has noticed. Baby A is still certain he does not want to come down and Baby B is now asking loudly what happened.
As you know, many jungle gyms are not made for adults to fit, husband starts to try and climb up but it is pretty tight. Finally we get him down, but now what? How do we clean up the jungle gym? Do we tell the other people playing there? How do I get him cleaned up, all I see is a water fountain and no sinks or bathrooms. So we do what anyone else would do and run to the car. We strip a crying Baby A down (he was not ready to leave) and clean up him with almost dried out wet wipes and shove him in his seat.
Any other ideas????